Sunday 15 March 2015

Dicing with Renekton (It's and bad league of legends Joke)

Old games use to have and meaning too them they would have a story before snakes and ladders became what it is today its use to be able a Hindu journey to enlightenment but now it’s a game that sits about most cupboards. Why did it change so drastically maybe it was to make it more accessible but more likely to make it more profitable. This Is something that is also prevalent in modern games as well call of duty use to be about the horror and pain of warfare but now it’s more of an 5 hour advertisement to join the military. Thankfully some games are trying to give messages again like “Spec Ops: the line” is a great example of this. It looks like a bland boring generic shoot kind of like what call of duty has become but it actually has a very deep message about the horror of war and that people should really think about the actions they do in video games and if they would be able to do the same thing in real life.

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